This week we are excited and honored to share our third Discussion Panel, ‘New Forms of Care for BIPOC Communities,’ a conversation between Vesper Moore, Camille Barton and Anjali Nath Upadhyay, moderated by tayla shanaye.
‘INTERVIEWS WITH ELDERS’ PANEL Q&A DISCUSSION NOW AVAILABLE In early April, the panelists for ‘Histories and Legacies II: Interviews with Elders’ gathered to discuss audience questions and comments submitted through our website form. This conversation -- with David Lukoff, Mariavittoria Mangini, David Presti, and Howard Whitehouse, and moderated by Patricia Kubala and Tehseen Noorani -- is now available to view. Many thanks to the panelists for their contributions to the conference! BLOG POSTS BY XANTHE E. HORNER AND DAVID LUKOFF Check out two recent posts on our blog by conference participants Xanthe Horner, who reflects on a 7-day microdosing and art therapy journey, and David Lukoff, who offers a reflection on resources generated by this conference as well information about an upcoming workshop on medicinal and spiritual perspectives on psychedelics. Thanks so much Xanthe and David for contributing these posts! PLEASE DONATE AND HELP SPREAD THE WORD! As always, please help us spread the word about the conference using the hashtag #PsychedelicMadness2021. Please also consider donating to our GoFundMe campaign if you are able. We are deeply grateful to those who already have! LOOKING AHEAD…. Next week, Saturday May 1st, will be our final video release of the conference. We will conclude with the Q&A for Presentation Panel 9 (‘Translations and Transformations’), as well as the recording of our final Discussion Panel, ‘Psychiatric Abolition: Envisioning New Structures for Responding to Crisis Situations’, a conversation moderated by Derek Pyle and featuring Sean Donovan, Niki Jones, Imani Robinson, and Jess Stohlmann-Rainey. For now, many many thanks everyone, and especially to the captioning team and to this week’s contributors to the conference: tayla, Anjali, Camille, and Vesper! The PMA2021 Organizing Team
Xanthe E. Horner is a multidisciplinary artist, witch and intuitive tarot reader based in East London, UK. Her creative practice perches playfully on the intersection between art-making, visionary experience and mythopoesis As an artist, I see my visual practice as a vital bridge between inner experience and outer reality, as though in externalising that which was previously only in my mind enables me to understand it, to metabolise it. Shadow work is vital to my self-development as well as my artistic process. And yet I have zones in my mind I have a habit of keeping myself from, memories of episodic depersonalisation and disassociation through my teenage and early adult years. I managed to minimise many of my trauma responses through self-healing, in discovering the power of sound and various holistic modalities. Though still, these memories would haunt at the edges of my psyche. They remained unresolved currents I was afraid would pull me back in; to a feedback loop of anxiety, crushing existential terror, disconnection from myself and the world at large. After formative misadventures with psychedelics and legal highs in my teens, I came to the psychedelic renaissance a little late, sceptical and fearful. Though after a transformative experience macrodosing with LSD, my doubt subsided into belief and hopefulness. I was able to shift some latent pain I had been holding on to. I realised that so much of my depersonalisation and dissociative episodes came from this inability to face my pain, to encounter the source of trauma. I decided to microdose 0.2g of Psilocybin mushroom dust in tea each day for a week and use a combination of art therapy and journalling to track the inner changes as they manifested. I also utilised meditation, breathwork and grounding in nature at various points in the week when I felt stuck. In preparation for this journey I spent some days reflecting, slowing down, looking after my body. On Sunday night, ahead of the first day, I had a microdose tea and constructed an altar with items that felt relevant to the process. used a deck of cards[1] to help me set an intention. I pulled cards that resonated with the archetypal processes I was set to encounter; The body, The Cave, Fortune etc. The Psyche cards seemed to be mirroring this journey of initiation that I felt it to be. From connecting with the cards I devised the intention: To journey within To the Wisdom of the Body To do inner work To uncover the message To surface the gems My altar complete with photos of myself from childhood, an hourglass, healing crystals for love & courage, a handmade doll of my inner child. Psyche Cards pulled to signify the process: The Body, The Sage, Work Psyche Cards pulled for the underlying key aspect of each stage: The Message, The Cave, Fortune I took the rest of the day to anchor this intention and to allow my thoughts to coalesce around the images, archetypal motifs of transformation. I found the last part; To surface the gems, particularly important, because in re-engaging with these experiences I hoped to extract some value that would enable me to gain perspective, even wisdom. The following day, having taken my dose I began surfacing some feelings of anxiety and tremors, the sensation of dread and helplessness deep in my chest. I chose to help myself open more with a guided meditation[2]. I was able to see myself as a child of 8 or 9 years old, a plump little girl with a messy fringe and a shy smile. I was struck by how gentle and soft I was, how I would tend to my soft toys. I saw myself before my dad had left, a slight 6 year old who was boisterous and playful. There was a clear distinction between the two, I saw my later childhood years as going into myself, protecting myself in softness to try to smooth over those hard edges of early pain. In my teens I had attempted to move away from and effectively disown this image of myself, out of shame. Looking through the eyes of compassion, I could see all along I was just trying to protect myself, to put a barrier between myself and the world. Upon reflecting, I found it interesting that I was guided this far back. As if this was the initial rupture. I realised how harsh I had been to that small and soft person who was only doing her best with the tools she had. I could see my teenage years, with bouts of eating disorders, were a continuation of the theme of moving away from this pain, of rejecting the wounded inner child, of disassociating from an initial rupture in my sense of wholeness. I realised I was unearthing that lost child. The following day I chose to ground in nature in my local woodland. Upon taking my dose I felt feelings of anger, irritability and resentment, I believe these were old feelings from my early teens towards myself. As I entered the woodland and took in my surroundings these feelings began to subside. I began to feel genuinely present and had so much curiosity for the crunch of leaves underfoot, for the patterns in the tree bark, even swinging on a makeshift swing. I began to feel deeply calm, connected and plugged into the vitality of life. Unrestrained childlike feelings came back to me, as did memories of similar experiences in nature throughout my life. I felt as though I had suppressed the possibility for spontaneous joy, and vowed to allow it to return, to call my essential wildness back to myself. Days 1 & 2: Mixed media collage and drawing. Day 1 was the sensation of the joys and fears around ‘opening the box’. Day 2 was my day of immersion in the woods, still with perils and intrigue. The following two days were the exact opposite of the optimistic breakthroughs I felt I had experienced on the first few. Feelings of being stuck, hitting a wall, anxieties that I’m not going to be able to go deep enough, that these feelings are too buried. These feelings eventually started moving on their own when I was present with them. I took to writing poetry to provoke a deeper communication between conscious and unconscious. Though it was on Thursday night I had a telling dream. I dreamt that I was back at school, dressed in my old school uniform, then in a moment I was at my grandma’s house, still dressed in my uniform. There were men with guns in the living room and a sense of threat. I felt this to be my ego defences: guarding the vaults of memory. On Friday I decided to combine my dose with a root chakra meditation[3], where I saw different versions of myself sat at a table, from a very young child to early adulthood. It was as though these differential aspects of myself were characters, roles I had played to reinvent and evade myself. This reinvention was part of moving away from my pain. I had no ability to integrate these different aspects of myself as I was causing my own fragmentation, in trying to move away from my pain, I was never experiencing my own wholeness. I believe now that these dissociative episodes, in particular, the reoccurring terror that I was not ‘real’, resulted from this inner fragmentation. Although I had the experience of excess, of not being able to contain my emotions, I now see this was the result of having no real continuity or tethering to ground my experience, and so I would seep over the narrow bounds I had created for myself. My fundamental disconnection from ‘self’ led to the anxiety that I was mad, going mad, or didn’t in fact exist. The depersonalisation I experienced was in fact a protective mechanism, creating a buffer between myself and the world, and the spiralling existential thoughts attached to it were a byproduct of that disconnection and alienation. It felt as though the terror I had been resisting in entering this journey was unfounded. Simply, the only thing left to confront was my own fear. I decided to do a more embodied activity on Saturday with my dose, settling on a breathwork and trauma release exercise[4]. I found I was able to release through shaking and was surprised that I had returned to that promising state of inner restfulness and peace of the first few days. I felt as though I had dislodged that stuckness. I didn’t need to relive being in a disassociated state. Rather, I faced difficult feelings and applied wisdom to past experience. I went back into the archives and changed the narrative. The doorway disintegrated as soon as I stepped through it. Days 3-6: Mixed media collage. The process of feeling closed, stuck, then of releasing fear & conscious transformation. For my final day and last microdose, I decided to return to the forest. I felt as though I had come full circle. A freedom I have not felt in a long time. My main take away from this experience is that our fears are not the truth. We must confront what we fear to be in greater capacity to hold truth, to re-write old narratives and retire old thought patterns. I found that microdosing gave me an ability to open more readily, though I still had to do the work. It is a tool. The gentle medicine means you are less likely to try to force change, but to go at your own pace. I was surprised throughout the week by my ability to stay with those feelings of helplessness and frustration, to witness and understand that discomfort is a necessary stage of metamorphosis. Day 7: Mixed Media Collage. A vessel in a state of struggle, the cocoon before metamorphosis. [1] Nick Hobson, PsyCards, 1998 [2] Jason Stephenson: PTSD Visualization: for trauma relief & healing [3]Meditative Mind, Root Chakra Healing: [4] Ethereal Meditations: Guided Healing Meditation I just finished presenting on the panel: Histories and Legacies II: Interviews with Elders. Mixed blessing to be reminded of being an elderly person, but also feels good to have my decades of work on the intersection of psychedelics, spirituality and psychosis recognized this way. I think back to my own LSD-triggered psychotic episode that was also my spiritual awakening. For 2 months, following my first LSD experience, I believed myself to be the founder of a new global religion who was writing a new “Holy Book” that would unite the world. After my feet were back on the ground, back in 1971 it took me many years of searching for ways to understand what I had experienced, while also being quite embarrassed about its grandiosity. (I tell this story in at Jung and Campbell were incredibly helpful resources, but the collected wisdom recorded in the various panels and presentations in this conference would have gone a long way to help me to integrate these experiences back then, and hopefully their ready accessibility built into the conference design, will make it easier for people having such psychedelic experiences today to understand and integrate their experience. I expect these resources will serve to reduce misdiagnoses and iatrogenic treatment with medications and forced hospitalization of people having distressing or non-ordinary psychedelic experiences. It is in the spirit of getting more useful information to people using psychedelic substances that we have organized a workshop 'Psychedelic Substances Then and Now: Medicinal and Spiritual Perspectives' which will be led by Torsten Passie, MD, MA, one of the leading researchers on psychopharmacological & clinical uses of psychedelic drugs, and me, as someone who has researched the intersection of psychedelics, spirituality and psychosis as well as the uses of spirituality in therapy. The workshop will take place July 2-4 in Germany at Tempelhof, an ecovillage in Kreßberg in northern Baden-Württemberg located in the midst of a beautiful, rural, hilly landscape. To reserve a place for the workshop, book your reservation for a room or camping site through Tempelhof Seminarhaus. For more information on the workshop and to register, go to: This week we are excited and honored to share our second Discussion Panel, ‘The Madness of the Gender Binary: Decolonizing Harm Reduction Practices for 2SLGBTQIA+ Experiences,’ a conversation between Vesper Moore, Rachel Flanigan, Skylar Louttit, and Ariel Vegosen, moderated by Jacks McNamara.
‘ENVISIONING COLLECTIVE HEALING’ PANEL Q&A DISCUSSION NOW AVAILABLE In March, the panelists for ‘Envisioning Collective Healing: New Paradigms and Practices for Psychedelics, Madness & Awakening’ gathered to discuss audience questions and comments submitted through our website form. This conversation -- with Xanthe Horner, Gabrielle Lehigh, Lily Kay Ross, Anjali Nath Upadhyay, Sab Xew, and moderated by Rachel Liebert -- is now available to view. Many thanks to the panelists for their contributions to the conference! PLEASE DONATE AND HELP SPREAD THE WORD! As always, please help us spread the word about the conference using the hashtag #PsychedelicMadness2021. Please also consider donating to our GoFundMe campaign if you are able. We are deeply grateful to those who already have! LOOKING AHEAD…. Next week, on Saturday April 24th, we will release the Q&A for Presentation Panel 8 (Histories and Legacies II: Interviews with Elders), as well as the recording of our third Discussion Panel, New Forms of Care for BIPOC Communities, a conversation moderated by tayla shanaye and featuring Camille Barton, Vesper Moore, and Anjali Nath Upadhyay. This week we are excited and honored to share our first discussion panel, ‘Abuses of Power in Psychedelic Spaces,’ a conversation between Lily Kay Ross and Laura Mae Northrup.
‘EARTH VISIONS, PSYCHEDELICS AND HARM REDUCTION’ PANEL Q&A DISCUSSION NOW AVAILABLE In March, the panelists for ‘Earth Visions, Psychedelics and Harm Reduction’ gathered to discuss audience questions and comments submitted through our website form. This conversation -- with Mika Leone, Steven Morgan, Isabel Santis and Alex Trope, and moderated by Patricia Kubala -- is now available to view. Many thanks to the panelists for their contributions to the conference! PLEASE DONATE AND HELP SPREAD THE WORD! As always, please help us spread the word about the conference using the hashtag #PsychedelicMadness2021. Please also consider donating to our GoFundMe campaign if you are able. We are deeply grateful to those who already have! FORM NOW OPEN FOR OUR FINAL DISCUSSION PANEL We invite you to submit questions related to our final themed Discussion Panel of the conference. The speakers will meet in April to discuss your questions: Psychiatric Abolition (form open until April 16th) LOOKING AHEAD…. Next week, on Saturday April 17th, we will release the Q&A for Presentation Panel 7 (Envisioning Collective Healing: New Paradigms and Practices for Psychedelics, Madness & Awakening), as well as the recording of our second Discussion Panel, The Madness of the Gender Binary: Decolonizing Harm Reduction Practices for 2SLGBTQIA+ Experiences, a conversation moderated by Jacks McNamara and featuring Ariel Vegosen, Vesper Moore, Rachel Flanigan, and Skylar Louttit. For now, many many thanks everyone, and especially to the captioning team and to this week’s contributors to the conference: Lily and Laura Mae! The PMA2021 Organizing Team This week we are excited and honored to share our final presentation panel, “Translations and Transformations.” This panel features the following presentations:
Rachel Flanigan Portable Syntonic Liminality: Psychedelic Use by People with Psychosis History Benjamin Mudge Including Bipolar People in Psychedelic Research Robert Drake/Drake Ewbank A Map in the Sparkling Aftermath: The Mind’s Dimensional Terms SUBMIT QUESTIONS TO OUR PANELISTS After watching the videos, we invite you to share questions and comments to our panelists via this FORM, which will remain open from Saturday April 3rd-Friday April 9th. The panelists will meet to discuss these questions in mid-April and a recording of that conversation will be captioned and posted on the website later this month. ‘ENVISIONING HARM REDUCTION MODELS OUTSIDE OF CLINICAL SPACES’ PANEL Q&A DISCUSSION NOW AVAILABLE Earlier this month, the panelists for “Envisioning Harm Reduction Models Outside of Clinical Spaces” gathered to discuss audience questions and comments submitted through our website form. This conversation -- with Alan Ashbaugh, Rose Dawydiak-Rapagnani, Sara Gael, Jared Lindahl, Julie Puttgen and moderated by Derek Pyle -- is now available to view. Many thanks to the panelists for their contributions to the conference! PLEASE DONATE AND HELP SPREAD THE WORD! As always, please help us spread the word about the conference using the hashtag #PsychedelicMadness2021. Please also consider donating to our GoFundMe campaign if you are able. We are deeply grateful to those who already have! FORMS NOW OPEN FOR THE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION PANELS We invite you to submit questions related to the following themed Discussion Panels. The speakers will meet in April to discuss your questions: The Madness of the Gender Binary (form open until April 7th) Psychiatric Abolition (form open until April 16th) LOOKING AHEAD…. Next week, on Saturday April 10th, we will release the Q&A for Presentation Panel 6 (Earth Visions, Psychedelics, and Harm Reduction), as well as the recording of our first Discussion Panel, Abuses of Power in Psychedelic Spaces, a conversation between Laura Mae Northrup and Lily Kay Ross. For now, many many thanks everyone, and especially to the captioning team and to this week’s contributors to the conference: Rachel, Benjamin and Drake! The PMA2021 Organizing Team |
May 2021
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